Births can occur either at home with the assistance of a midwife, or in the maternity wards of hospitals in Dumaguete. This is one area of the life experience that Filipino medical professionals have so shortage of experience. Large families are the norm. You will notice this when walking around Dumaguete or up in mountain areas where its not unusual to see a scooter with six people on it.
Marriages are either civil or church events. This visa outcome will only matter to foreigners who are marrying Pinays. (Philippine women) Specific guidelines regarding documentation and relevant licensing are referenced later on our site.
Both cremation and burial are available here. Many people purchase a burial plot well in advance of their death. If you want to be cremated, make sure you leave specific instructions regarding where your ashes are to be sent post death.

Dumaguete offers various options for birthing, and the Philippines has a tradition of providing quality care for expectant mothers and newborns. These options include:
- Home Births with Midwives: Home births with the assistance of midwives are a common practice in the Philippines. Midwives play a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of both mother and child during childbirth.
- Hospital Maternity Wards: Hospitals in Dumaguete are equipped with well-maintained maternity wards, where expectant mothers can receive medical care, support, and assistance during childbirth. The staff is experienced in providing quality care for pregnant women and newborns.
- Prenatal and Postnatal Care: The process of pregnancy in the Philippines involves comprehensive care, including prenatal consultations to monitor the health of the mother and baby and postnatal care to ensure the well-being of both after birth.
Given the importance of children within Filipino culture and the close-knit extended family structure, special care and attention are given to childbirth. Decisions regarding prenatal and postnatal care, as well as medical insurance coverage, should be carefully considered before actively pursuing pregnancy. Expectant mothers may choose to have medical insurance or opt for self-insurance, depending on their individual circumstances and preferences.
Veritas Consulting Group (VCG) can provide guidance on healthcare options, including medical insurance, and assist in connecting you with trusted healthcare professionals and facilities in Dumaguete to ensure a smooth and healthy pregnancy and childbirth experience.
Weddings are significant and cherished events in Dumaguete and the Philippines, as they mark the union of two individuals and their families. If you are planning to marry a Filipina or Filipino, it’s essential to understand the cultural and familial importance of the wedding day.
To ensure a smooth and memorable wedding experience, consider the following tips:
- Support Your Fiancée’s Vision: The wedding day holds great importance for your fiancée and her family. It’s crucial to be supportive and considerate of her wishes and suggestions for the wedding. Agreeing with her ideas can enhance the harmony of the occasion.
- Marriage License: Obtain the necessary marriage license from the city in which you plan to marry. The requirements and processes may vary by location, so it’s advisable to consult with the local authorities and complete the necessary paperwork.
- Pre-Marital Classes: Some regions may require couples to attend pre-marital classes or seminars. These sessions are typically conducted by a pastor or representative of the city and are designed to provide guidance on married life. While it may seem like a minor inconvenience, it’s an essential step in the wedding process and should be approached with a positive attitude.
Veritas Consulting Group (VCG) can offer guidance and assistance with the legal and administrative aspects of planning your wedding in Dumaguete. By embracing the cultural and legal requirements, you can create a meaningful and harmonious wedding celebration.

Creating a will and addressing end-of-life arrangements, such as burial or cremation, are important matters that should not be overlooked. It is indeed ironic that some people, especially men in the Philippines, may delay making a will until they are seriously ill while making arrangements for their burial plots years in advance.
To ensure that your wishes are respected and legally binding, it is essential to:
- Create a Will: Draft a legally binding will that clearly outlines your intentions for the distribution of your assets and the care of your dependents after your passing. A well-structured will can provide clarity and avoid disputes among your beneficiaries.
- End-of-Life Directives: Specify your preferences for end-of-life care and medical directives, such as a “Do Not Resuscitate” (DNR) order, if applicable. This can help ensure that your healthcare decisions are honored in accordance with your wishes.
- International Arrangements: If you desire your body or ashes to be sent to another country upon your passing, it is crucial to have clear, legally drafted documents in place to facilitate the process.
Veritas Consulting Group (VCG) can assist you in connecting with legal professionals in Dumaguete who specialize in estate planning, will drafting, and end-of-life directives. Having well-prepared legal documents can provide you with peace of mind and help ensure that your wishes are honored when the time comes.