The Special Resident Retiree’s Visa.


Tailored for active and healthy retirees who wish to maintain affordability, requiring a deposit of just US$20,000.00


Designed for active and healthy retirees seeking affordability while utilizing their SRR Visa deposit for active investments like purchasing a condominium unit* or entering a long-term lease for a house & lot. The deposit requirements are:

  • Age 50 and above: US$ 10,000.00 (with a pension)
  • US$ 20,000.00 (without a pension)
  • The property value must be at least US$50,000.00
  • A minimum pension of US$ 800 for singles / US$1,000 for couples is required


Catering to ailing retirees aged 50 and above who necessitate medical care, requiring a monthly pension of at least US$1,500.00, a Philippines-accepted health insurance policy, and a manageable SRR Visa deposit of US$10,000.00.


Available for former Filipinos aged 50 and above, as well as retired officers of International Organizations recognized by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA). Only a modest SRR Visa deposit of US$1,500.00 is necessary for eligibility.


Designed for foreign nationals aged 50 and above, retired Armed Forces officers of countries with existing military ties and/or agreements with the Philippine Government.

This option requires a monthly pension of at least US$1,000.00 and an SRR Visa deposit of US$1,500.00, which covers the principal applicant and up to 2 dependents. Additional dependents require an extra deposit of US$15,000 each (excluding former Filipinos). Children must be legitimate or legally adopted by the Principal Retiree, unmarried, and below 21 years old upon enrollment.